Teachers’ Pensions

I have been in constant contact with Teachers’ Pensions trying to ascertain post McCloud figures for many clients. I have written regular reminders and raised complaints about the delay and total lack of information regarding their progress. Elsewhere in this blog I have provided details of updates received on other public sector schemes. I have begged Teachers’ Pensions to provide similar information to enable me to reassure divorcing parties and instructing solicitors that they are making progress.

I wrote one generic complaint referring to numerous cases, on 5th December, which Teacher’s Pensions refused to respond to on the basis they could not add the request to an individual client file, because of Data Protection.

I subsequently submitted the complaint individually on each case, during December. I have had no response from Teachers’ Pensions.

In desperation I emailed Tom Tugendhat, who I believed was my local MP about the situation, referring to the recent BBC News Article on the matter. He responded very swiftly and then referred me to Helen Grant, who is in fact responsible for my constituency. Helen contacted me on 3rd February asking for the documents I had previously submitted to Tom, which I sent her that same day.

Helen Grant wrote back to me on 12th February saying:

From what you have described, I can appreciate your frustration at the amount of time it is taking to get accurate and helpful information about your clients’ pensions. Before I became an MP, I practiced family law for many years and so I am only too aware of how important it is to have the right information upon which to advise clients who are going through a divorce. Without a timely response, it only adds to an already stressful situation if parties cannot resolve their financial affairs within a reasonable timescale.

At this stage, I have written to both Teacher Pensions and also the Department for Education about this matter. I have shared your experience with them and asked them to look into the concerns you have raised. I have also asked them to respond to me, addressing these issues.

Please be assured that I will contact you again when I receive their responses in due course. In the meantime, if you think there is anything more I can do to help you further with this matter, please do let me know.

I will of course continue to send reminders to Teachers’ Pensions on individual cases and update this blog when I receive an update from Helen.